Sunday 6 April 2014

Bloggers success story | Interview with Ivan Ho

Welcome back friends, yesterday we had seen 'Reginald Chan success story' and today we will be going through the success story of Ivan Ho, who is the founder of Blogging business tips. Ivan is also the president and CEO of IMV Business Inc, providing online marketing consultancy. Ivan has coached and mentored hundreds of people around the world to making money blogging and other online means.

He is a well known mentor and is famous for his Blueprint works. Till date he has 10 blueprints in hand related to blogging success. Ivan also composed two books; all about blogging. Customers say that Ivan has an exceptional insight in internet marketing. In fact many of his successful customers are still getting advice's from him. That itself shows his mentoring ability. Ivan is well connected with top influencers in the marketing world.

Below is the status of Ivan Ho's social media presence 

OK, here are my questions and Ivan's response

1. What did you do before your presence in social media (blogging) ?

Ivan's reply :

Before I was blogging and doing Internet marketing I was a marketing consultant for a bottled water company. After about five years in the industry, someone approached me and asked me to help them out with an online marketing campaign. After that, I started to learn more about industry and was very interested in making money and the opportunity of creating an income in such a big market. I was intrigued about the potential of reaching customers around the world and generating a potential income 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

2. How did you get the idea of blogging ? Is there any reason for choosing blogging? Please state any three reasons.

Ivan's reply :
  1. Blogging allows me to get my voice out there on a broader scale and share my information, knowledge and experience of Internet marketing with people.
  2. Blogging platforms such as WordPress are very easy to use and have many features that can integrate with social media to help spread my information.
  3. Blogging is a great source for organic traffic from search engines, you can get a ton of traffic by providing consistent content. 

3. For how long have you been in this field and what is your followers' status after one year of start ?

Ivan's reply :

I started about 8 years ago, it was difficult at first as I was quite overwhelmed with so much information. At first I didn't start blogging, I started out with affiliate marketing. I started blogging and created Blogging Business Tips about 4 years ago and right now I have over 100,000 followers.

4. We know that you are good at mentoring, How did you get the thought of guiding people ?

Ivan's reply :

As I started producing content for my blog, I started to get questions from followers to help them out. I started sharing more of my knowledge and information and begin doing personal coaching and consultation. Throughout the past 4 years I've coached over 100 people.

5. What are the products offered through your blog ? What other products you offer offline ?

Ivan's reply :

On my blog I offer a free report called '25 Expert Tips To Blogging Success' and I offer my eBook for sale called 'The Profit Blogging Blueprint' the eBook teaches people how to build a profitable and successful blogging business online the right way. I also offer a one on one coaching program that guides people oh how to make $100 a day blogging. 

6. How did you managed to drive traffic to your blog in the beginning ?

Ivan's reply :

At the very beginning I use just produced content and shared that content on my social media platform like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and Google Plus. The key factor that allowed me to build up my traffic was growing my social media platforms and my email list. I worked really hard to grow my social media following. Now the majority of my traffic comes from social media and search engines. If I have something special to promote I will venture into paid ads and solo ads.

7. Could you please tell us about your readers ?

Ivan's reply :

I have readers from all over the world, mostly they are interested in blogging and Internet marketing and how to make money online.

8. How do you manage personal/family life along with blogging and social networking ?

Ivan's reply :

Working online lets me schedule my own hours and devote more time to family. As long as I have my smart phone, laptop and internet, I can work from anywhere. This has been the biggest benefit, the flexibility of being able to create my own schedule.  

9. At present, how much visitors (approximately) do you get to your blog ?

Ivan's reply :

On a monthly basis I get approximately 5000 new visitors and 10,000 regular visitors.

10. Did you anytime felt like "Am I doing right ? Is this useful ?" during your blogging career ?

Ivan's reply :

When I started blogging I had a lot of advice from some successful online marketers so I didn't have too many problems. But when I first started out online I was confused because there was so many bad advice and bad programs that says you can succeed and make money really fast. The best advice I can give people is to find a good person to follow and learn from them.

11. Which blogs inspired you to start your own ? 

Ivan's reply :

Here  are the blog names

12. Is there anyone who inspired you to achieve this success ? Can  you list some of your favorite influencers and co-bloggers ?

Ivan's reply :

I would say people like John Chow, James Martell, Jeff Walker and Brendon Buchard.  In fact John Chow was one of my mentors and gave me a lot of good advice and really propelled my online venture.

(Ivan with John Chow)

(Ivan with Iman Aghay)

13. Can you briefly explain some of your achievements as a blogger ? Something that you can't forget !

Ivan's reply :

I really enjoyed writing my blueprint and giving people the chance to follow in my footsteps and learn how to build a profitable business online. The blueprint has over 150 pages of information from how to pick a topic, how to set things set up, how to get traffic and how to build your own products and make money.

I have been featured in  

14. What are the steps that you took to get identified by many ?

Ivan's reply :

Growing my social platforms was a big influence on getting followers. It allowed my content to get read by many and when you have good content to share, people will start following.

15. What tools do you use to manage your social media presence ?

Ivan's reply :

I use WordPress as my blogging platform and I’ve installed plugins such as Only Wire and Jet Pack to help me distribute my content once it is published.

16. Could you state your major source of income (if any) from your blog ?

Ivan's reply :

My major source of income is my eBook “The Profit Blogging Blueprint” and my coaching program. I also have many good affiliate programs that I support which helps people out and provides me an income like “The School of Internet Marketing” and “MOBE Top Tier Program”.

17. As a blogger, where do you see yourself 5 years from now ? What are your next targets ? Is there any upcoming product that you are working on ?

Ivan's reply :

In the next 5 years I want to continue on growing my audience and help more people succeed online. A new project that I am working on is video tutorial program that people can watch and follow my advice on how to profit online. Hopefully that program will be out DEC 2014.

18. What suggestions would you give beginners for their success ? How do you want them to start ?

Ivan's reply :

Have patience and learn from someone that has success and willing to teach. Do things the right way and grow your audience through social media and email. Always provide good, valuable content for people to read or watch. 

If you would like a free video tutorial on how to get started you can watch it here


That's how our conversation ended. Hope you enjoyed reading this. Apart from online relationship, Ivan Ho is also a good friend to me and has been supporting me in almost all social networks. I am glad that Ivan accepted my interview invitation and spared his valuable time to share his thoughts with us. We wish him to reach further heights in his career.

Good luck and thank you Ivan !


Hope this helps.

Feel free to share your thoughts and suggestions by posting a comment below. 

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